miércoles, 15 de octubre de 2014

Task 1

  • Write a paragraph (300 words) relating to this words: rapport, teacher's roles, TTQ, TTT and STT.

When we talk about teaching, we have to take into account some features. One of them is rapport. Rapport is the relationship that students establish with the teachers and vice versa. It depends on the shape teachers interact with students. So, we can say that teacher's roles are related to rapport, because all of them require an interaction between teacher and student. Teachers should be able to adopt a variety of roles within the classroom which facilitate learning. Teachers need to switch between the various roles, judging when it’s appropriate or not. The different roles are: Facilitator: Teacher guides students democratically Controller: Teacher stands at the front of the class, watching and talking about every activity. Prompter: Teacher encourages students helping them to achieve more knowledges. Participant: Teacher joins in an activity as participant (remember, when you try to explain or define do not use the same words you´re defining) . Resource: Teacher helps students in their tasks, responding their doubts. Tutor: Teacher is like an advisor who responds to what the students are doing and advises them on what to do next. But also, to create a relationship is important too. That's how teacher's roles modify the relationship between teachers and students.  Teacher talking time (TTT), because if teachers talk with students, they can be more connected. . Because we have to talk in a shape that students can understand and be part of it. At the same time, TTT can modify teacher's roles. When TTT prevails in the classroom, the main role is Controller. One key element of many modern approaches is to reduce the amount of TTT as much as possible, to allow learners opportunities to speak, and learn from speaking. The relative value of TTT and STT is a complex area. Learners need to produce language in real time conversation; to give them a chance to notice their own mistakes, and for the class to be student-centered. They also need input from an effective language user in order to form hypotheses about language rules, and the teacher may be one of the main sources of this input. A teacher can start exploring this area by investigating themselves and finding out when, why and how much they and their students talk. Also, the quality is important (TTQ). It is the quality of what we say that really counts. And as to when say it, that depends on how students fits in, to get a better result in the activities and all the other myriad aspects of the curriculum. And also, quality is related to teacher's roles, this transmision of information could be associated with Controller, standing at the front of the class, giving the tasks and the information (Resource).

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